Men with the danger of fire in their mouths spit it out for sale to any one for a peso or two in return Even the taxi van driver pauses behind a row of red tale lights to buy flavored ice for his daughter The other little girl is told to sit down by her elder I felt like both of those kids while in that shared cab The road paving is finally getting done now that there is a lull in the tourist traffic Where are all the boys with the fire in their fists And the dizzy in their heads They make hits but not on me No where when I am near Muy peligroso? Donde? The young lovers still walk slow and laugh in their public privacy The schoolgirl fantasy hookers will stand on the street any way But there were also Menonites on holiday a block or two away The dog pack is even doing it's own scavaging thing La Mona is standing even though shabier than before she reaches up And that dividing wall covered in crosses for those who died of being illegal stands to the wonderment of all This living pla...