This is the story of the East Village. The OTHER East Village. As taken from The historical and architectural survey of Webster, Massachusetts - Researched and written by staff of the Webster Historical Commission: Linda L.B. Kleinerman, Director. Mary R. Davidson, Research Assistant. Richard W. Dery, Research Analyst {1978 only} THE EAST VILLAGE The crossroad near the head of Webster lake known as "The East Village" is an area of historical and possibly prehistoric significance. Prior to being built up as two country roads, the crossroads may have been an intersection of old Indian trails. The Bay Path, Great Trail, and Mohegan paths converged nearby. These trails were probably among the routes used by the colonists as they gradually spread West. According to an article published in 1889 in the "Webster Times", during the mid-1700s, people living in this vicinity, and "south upward of 50 to 75 miles," went to Worcester and Boston to trade...