NEVER ever go to DysNey Land (or the separate you-have-to pay-even-more-to-get-in-but-it-is-right-next-door California Adventure Park. Just don't. Don't do it 'because you have kids.' that is a crap excuse. Kids wouldn't care.. if only you parents wouldn't make a big deal about it... Tell your kids they can envision a better place in their imagination and then build it in the future. This place in Anaheim is Am'r'c'n HELL. And if our bright youths can develop an actual happiest place on earth not based on the current model of Capitalism then I hope this place is burned to the ground. Even if they don't, I hope this place be destroyed. One team of 'imagineers' should not be given the power to dictate the dreams and happiness of other people (in the name of one man)- to which all the people agree and don't even know why or how they could ever agree to it. Catholics tried this. Nazis did this. Muslims are doing this. Remember? M...