Champiñones con ajo Our plan for Sunday was a giddy success. Because Cafe De La Flor still has the best mushroom dish in all of anywhere around (and that Italian panini thing isn't so bad either), we shrugged off the brunching yuppie families and fresas to have our menu favorites at the cafe before walking over to "Jabba's Palace"- more commonly known as Plaza Rio; an even bigger hive of yuppies and fresas. This was where we got our skate on. I thought I had not been on roller skates in a while but when Human figured he hadn't been skating in a Christ's lifetime , my crazy idea seemed even more perfect. The Oh-Zone was writhing with children. The music was blasting. It was all so familiar to experiences in my youth. Giggling behind my knees. I was going to chicken out of getting skates and ask for blades instead, but the man behind the shoe counter plunked down a hideous octet of wheels before I could say anything. Choic...