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Showing posts from February, 2014

5th year anniversary.

Champiñones con ajo Our plan for Sunday was a giddy success. Because Cafe De La Flor still has the best mushroom dish in all of anywhere around (and that Italian panini thing isn't so bad either), we shrugged off the brunching yuppie families and fresas to have our menu favorites at the cafe before walking over to "Jabba's Palace"- more commonly known as Plaza Rio; an even bigger hive of yuppies and fresas. This was where we got our skate on. I thought I had not been on roller skates in a while but when Human figured he hadn't been skating in a Christ's lifetime , my crazy idea seemed even more perfect. The Oh-Zone was writhing with children. The music was blasting. It was all so familiar to experiences in my youth. Giggling behind my knees.   I was going to chicken out of getting skates and ask for blades instead, but the man behind the shoe counter plunked down a hideous octet of wheels before I could say anything. Choic...

Dessert? No, not this time.

Canned FLOWERS! The other evening I picked up some canned Flor de Calabaza.  Yeah, that would be a can of salt water and squash blossoms . This was my first time eating the flower and I am left asking why flowers aren't in everyone's diet - all. the. time. Sure, saltwater logged flowers lack the grandeur of the fresh variety, but looks have little to do with taste buds. For a simple, light dinner, I put together: avocado, olive oil, basil, epazote, and flor de calabaza on a right out of the oven bolillo (roll). Human beings of other lands who have not eaten this "exotic" foodstuff, I declare unto you a word-   divine .  Suck it, Georgia O'Keefe.  I ate this food and had a mini revelation through flavor. {One never knows when those nettlesome revelations will strike!} It was more than, "oh this is really tasty and I want to keep eating it.'  Through my sense of taste, I found a further understanding of Mexico, the people, the fur...

Death leans in close these days

de mortuis nil nisi bonum dicendum est José Emilio Pacheco, famous Mexican poet dies January 26. The cause - cardiorespiratory arrest. He had been hospitalized on Saturday after falling and hitting his head. Last night I briefly attended a wake for the sister of the cousin (Pancho) who lives next door. I left before it got too late. That means I left before the family priest said a few words and  the arrival of the mariachis. I just cannot be a tourist during these times. I was not even going to go except, I kinda know Pancho felt that it would be appropriate to show him some support.  His sister's death was very sudden- a double tragedy for the family. It follows quickly after the death of her father who passed in December. All she did was fall, hit her head just so, and... embolism/edema and that was it. Age and alcohol were a factor, but wow. How all it can take is one knock in the right place and everything goes sdfjkgber. Then the famous actor death pops up...