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Showing posts from January, 2018

test results are in - one in a million, kid

Ask me what I did in 2017.  I can tell you that I got a big raise. I can say I was on international TV. I  took trips to New Orleans and Montreal, Canada. I spent some time in L.A.  I performed on stages. I made stop motion videos shown in an art gallery...  I can also say that my body was artistic all on it's own. It   grew a tumor. This thing appeared overnight in February. It itched occasionally. It was something I could actually feel change inside my skin. For a little while I even thought it might be a parasite.  Since It was located on my chest I, naturally, went to have it checked out at a 'boob clinic.'  The woman who 'saw' me went on to make backhanded insinuations that I was overreacting. I guess, to her,  I was just behaving like so many hysterical women who come running into the clinic and waste time fussing with every little thing. Because they read too much on the Internet.  Yeah. This super...