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And oh look, there's a fire!

While I am in the middle of decompressing from my Spain trip, I get a nice welcome back to baja from the from the workers two lots over. We suppose the property has been bought out because all the businesses are gone and the locales have been gutted. (So long neighbors with the great tamales.)
The guys were over there again; this time doing some controlled rubbish burning and I thought nothing of it. Even when I heard the sirens, I thought nothing... I only noted that the lame excuse for a dog Rocco didn't howl with the sirens as he usually does... even when I looked out the side door to see that the emergency vehicles had stopped in where the men were working I was only a bit puzzled... what I had to do was turn my daffy head to look further at back of the lot and see a huge plume of dark smoke! Oh! Yes. So there is a situation!
The matter was dealt with quickly and no harm was done, but in this dry climate I was expecting anything to happen when I saw the fire...
